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Year 5 and 6 Otters

Teacher - Mrs Thursby
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Biggin


Welcome to Otter class

Welcome to Otter Class! This is an important year to stay focused, try our best and always work incredibly hard. It is also a year of becoming more independent in our learning and discovering new and interesting topics. We start our year with the exciting topic of World War Two where the children will get to dive into key reasons behind the war, key events, some important figures and how the war affected people at home and abroad in different ways. Spring term will see us investigate biodiversity with a particular focus on North and South America before finishing the year in Summer term with a focus on the Mayan Era. Throughout the year in science we will cover topics such as light, electricity, animals including humans, evolution and inheritance and the human body. We will have the opportunity to carry out different experiments and follow our own lines of enquiry. This year is a very important year for all of our children but particularly Year 6. They will sit their SATs in Summer term and this year we will work hard to prepare them for high school. We want the children to be successful and help them navigate any worries they have about high school from the start. I am excited to introduce the children to the new challenges and approaches to learning that Upper Key Stage Two has to offer! 

Grasmere Academy

Grasmere Court


Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE12 6TS

0191 222 0259 (School office)


Opening Hours:

Little Explorers (2 Yr olds) - 12.15pm - 3.15pm

Nursery - 8.30am - 11.30am

Reception - 8.30am - 3.05pm

KS1 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

KS2 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

SEND Unit - 8.40am - 3.10pm

School time for Reception to Year 6 = 32.5 hours a week

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