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Home Learning

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At Grasmere Academy we use Seesaw (, a secure online journal where children can document what they are learning in class.  Your child will be able to add photos, video, worksheets, drawings and voice recordings to their journal which we will share privately with you and your family.  You can then choose to view and comment on your child's work.  

Home Learning Expectations


It is an expectation at Grasmere Academy that all children will complete these learning activities weekly, at home

  • Read Write Inc home reading books

  • Spellings

  • Times tables


Useful home learning links

Below are links to home learning sites we use at school.  Please click on the picture and it will take you to the site.  Your child will already have a login. If you child requires a new login please let a member of staff know. 



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Link to the login for Seesaw Learning Journal for parents and children.

Link to the login for Sumdog where the children can practise maths skills and play maths games.

Link to the login for Times Tables Rockstars where the children can practise times tables.

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Link to the login for Oxford Owls the site contains reading books and reading/spelling activities. 

Remote learning plan


In the event of a lockdown or quarantine situation your child will use Seesaw to complete work and upload it. Please see the remote learning plan below for further information.

Remote learning plan

Home learning information for parents

Grasmere Academy

Grasmere Court


Newcastle Upon Tyne

NE12 6TS

0191 222 0259 (School office)


Opening Hours:

Little Explorers (2 Yr olds) - 12.15pm - 3.15pm

Nursery - 8.30am - 11.30am

Reception - 8.30am - 3.05pm

KS1 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

KS2 - 8.40am - 3.10pm 

SEND Unit - 8.40am - 3.10pm

School time for Reception to Year 6 = 32.5 hours a week

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